History Of Batik

>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Word “Batik” is come from Javanese language (Indonesia) “amba” which means to write and “dot/point” The word refers to the batik cloth with a pattern produced by the “malam” (kind of wax) is applied to the top of the cloth, so that keep the entering of a coloring material (dye), or in the English Language “wax-resist dyeing”.

Batik is a craft that has a high value of art and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long. Javanese women in the past make their skill of making Batik as a livelihood, so that in the past to make Batik exclusiv work to women until finding “Batik Cap” (printed batik); which allows the men in this field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik has the masculine as can be seen in the pattern “Mega Mendung” (cloud), where in some coastal areas is to make work for the common man.

Variety of style and color of Batik is influenced by various foreign influences. Originally, batik has limited of style and color, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the colonists. Bright colors such as red is popularized by the Chinese, who also popularize “Phoenix” pattern. Colonialist European nations are also taking interest to the batik, and the result is a pattern “bebungaan” (“kind of flower”) previously unknown (such as tulip flowers) and also the things that was brought by colonists (or building horse-drawn carriage), including the colors of their favorite color as blue. Maintain the traditional batik “style”, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, usually because each color has a symbolism of each.

The technique of making batik has been known since thousands of years back. There is no description of the history is quite clear about the origins of batik. Some people suspected that this technique comes from the Sumerian nation, and developed in Java (Indonesia) after brought by Indian traders. Currently, batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. In addition to Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world of is batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.

The tradition of making batik for the beginning is tradition from generation to generation, so that sometimes a motif can be identified originating from batik particular family. Some batik motif can indicate the status of someone. Even now, some batik tadisional motif only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (cental java-Indonesia).

Batik is an ancestor heritage of Indonesia (Java) is still there. Batik is also the first time introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who wearing batik at the United Nations Conference.

Making Batik

Originaly batik is created with a white material made of cotton called "Mori". Nowday these batik is also made on other material such as silk, poliester, rayon and other syinthetic materials. Batik motif is formed with liquid paraffin using tool calle "canting", for fine pattern motifs or brus for large, so that the liquid of wax seep in to fiber cloth. Cloth that has been painted with wax and then dyed with the color usually starting with the plain color. immersion and other motifs to do with the dark color or older. After some time of the coloring process, the cloth is dyed with chemical in order to dissolve the wax.

Type of batik

Writed batik, is decorated with batik pattern texture and use hand (hand made). Making of this type of batik will take approximately 2-3 months.

Printed batik, is decorated with batik pattern and texture formed with the "cap" (stamp, usually made of copper). The process of making this type of batik will take approximately 2-3 days. (Original article :http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/batik, translated free translated by heru).


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