History Of Batik

>> Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Word “Batik” is come from Javanese language (Indonesia) “amba” which means to write and “dot/point” The word refers to the batik cloth with a pattern produced by the “malam” (kind of wax) is applied to the top of the cloth, so that keep the entering of a coloring material (dye), or in the English Language “wax-resist dyeing”.

Batik is a craft that has a high value of art and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long. Javanese women in the past make their skill of making Batik as a livelihood, so that in the past to make Batik exclusiv work to women until finding “Batik Cap” (printed batik); which allows the men in this field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik has the masculine as can be seen in the pattern “Mega Mendung” (cloud), where in some coastal areas is to make work for the common man.

Variety of style and color of Batik is influenced by various foreign influences. Originally, batik has limited of style and color, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the colonists. Bright colors such as red is popularized by the Chinese, who also popularize “Phoenix” pattern. Colonialist European nations are also taking interest to the batik, and the result is a pattern “bebungaan” (“kind of flower”) previously unknown (such as tulip flowers) and also the things that was brought by colonists (or building horse-drawn carriage), including the colors of their favorite color as blue. Maintain the traditional batik “style”, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, usually because each color has a symbolism of each.

The technique of making batik has been known since thousands of years back. There is no description of the history is quite clear about the origins of batik. Some people suspected that this technique comes from the Sumerian nation, and developed in Java (Indonesia) after brought by Indian traders. Currently, batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. In addition to Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world of is batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.

The tradition of making batik for the beginning is tradition from generation to generation, so that sometimes a motif can be identified originating from batik particular family. Some batik motif can indicate the status of someone. Even now, some batik tadisional motif only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (cental java-Indonesia).

Batik is an ancestor heritage of Indonesia (Java) is still there. Batik is also the first time introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who wearing batik at the United Nations Conference.

Making Batik

Originaly batik is created with a white material made of cotton called "Mori". Nowday these batik is also made on other material such as silk, poliester, rayon and other syinthetic materials. Batik motif is formed with liquid paraffin using tool calle "canting", for fine pattern motifs or brus for large, so that the liquid of wax seep in to fiber cloth. Cloth that has been painted with wax and then dyed with the color usually starting with the plain color. immersion and other motifs to do with the dark color or older. After some time of the coloring process, the cloth is dyed with chemical in order to dissolve the wax.

Type of batik

Writed batik, is decorated with batik pattern texture and use hand (hand made). Making of this type of batik will take approximately 2-3 months.

Printed batik, is decorated with batik pattern and texture formed with the "cap" (stamp, usually made of copper). The process of making this type of batik will take approximately 2-3 days. (Original article :http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/batik, translated free translated by heru).


The Types Of Batik Lasem

>> Friday, April 10, 2009

If people asked you about “Batik”, certainly directly you will think about the city of Jogja or Solo, even Pekalongan, because this city is famous as a batik industrial center in the country. Batik Jogja, is common, Batik Lasem? Some might have heard a lot about the quality of processed batik craftsman in the area Lasem, Solo, Central Java this. However, many may not know that, if Lasem Batik is the work of the cultural heritage of China's hybrid.

Hartono Santoso is one of 23 batik craftsman Lasem remaining at this time. Santoso is the third generation of his family who Trah maintain batik handicraft business in the area Lasem. However, he attempts to build its own wing. "Business is built the way the parents, also the way my business," he said as quoted Kompas Online. As a generation from generation to generation, the male descendants of these Chinese are not many know the history of batik as a source of income. "If Lasem the origin of the Chinese hybrid, I know. But, I do not know much history. I know that, in the first place in the village Lasem Kemendung descendants of Chinese women have the name Putri Cempa. He said, batik Lasem was first made by the descendants of Putri Cempa this, "said Santoso, when found in the cultural arena exhibition China hybrid, at Ciputra Mall, on Wednesday (30 / 1).

Santoso start to undertake Lasem Batik handicraft business, beginning when he returned from around 2004. Characteristic of batik Lasem style is actually written or carved by the batik maker thmeselves, not printed (diprinting). The unique colors, one color which is the typical Chinese Society, red. Blue and green color is also unique batik Lasem. "If the first color of dark Lasem also typical, but if we survive such a behavior, so we continue to make innovations." One of the innovations that made Santoso and batik craftsman Lasem other motive is to create a more 'populer'. He said, the motif is preferred by young people. In addition to embracing a wider market, can also be expected to encourage the younger generation to love the product unique in the country.

The types of batik Lasem also vary. Santoso said some of them, namely Sekar Jagad, Three Affairs, Tambal, scale, Pukel and Klerek. What about price?Varies, ranging from 100 thousand to 1.5 million. Depending on the type. Origin can be distinguish with batik 'laseman', which is false. If laseman only 25 thousand. Many motifnya stereotyped, but the printed, not write. That makes me worry, "original author : pungkas Santoso. source: Kompas Online / script & photos


Batik Lasem

If people mention the batik of Central Java ( Indonesia), They - immediately - called Solo and Pekalongan or Jogjakarta. In fact, in addition to the two regions still have other areas that also produce batik that is not less beautiful, the Lasem City. About 12 kilometers east of the city this extent Rembang 45.04 square kilometers with a population of approximately 44,879 people (Litbang Kompas, 2003).

BATIK Lasem figured typical production, especially the color of “red”, color that resembles the blood of chickens, which they say can not be imitated by Batik maker in other regions. Uniqueness lies in the other design which is a combination of the influence of Chinese culture, local culture northern coastal communities, and cultural palace (Surakarta and Yogyakarta). Perhaps the Chinese foreign traders who came to give Lasem large influence on the style batik in this area.

In the heyday of batik Lasem, almost every house where Chinese people live in this area undertake make batik with and recruit staff from around the village. They generally do this job as a sideline while waiting to harvest and planting season on the paddy fields. When creating the design motif for their batik production, the entrepreneur of making batik of Lasem influenced cultural beliefs as their ancestors and legend. Variety ornamental birds and animals “hong” legendary kilin (such as lions) and so they enter into their motives batik production. In fact, the classic Chinese love story as Sam Pek Eng Tay was batik motif in this region.

No surprise then when batik production Lasem is often referred to as "Encim." "Encim" is a hybrid for the Chinese women who have advanced age. Besides the influence of culture of Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace also seen in the batik motifs Lasem, among other ornaments on “kawung”, “chopper” and so on. While the influence of culture on the coastal look that bright colors like red, blue, yellow and green. Batik Lasem, in heyday been exported to foreign countries, among others, to Suriname.

Batik Lasem can compete with batik from other regions because of motifnya interesting with fine quality fabrics, also red blood chicken the characteristic can not be imitated by batik maker from otherregions. However, if you now come to explore Lasem and batik production Lasem, especially batik with traditional motifs Lasem, you will have difficulties like the search for antiques only.

Nowdays it's difficult to find Batik Lasem because who produce batik Lasem many roll mats. Of about 140 entrepreneurs in the batik 1950s, then declining to around 70 operators in 1970, and now live only about 12 people who still strive in making Batik. That still survive is also a lot of business "Monday-Thursday." Then, just when it is said batik Lasem endangered. Around half a century ago are still many families we met in Lasem City become a batik businessman , or at least become a trader who takes batiks from batik maker in around small villages. Now they are no longer active in making batik business, batik shops are making their notions store. Tools of making batik left in dusty corner of a room in the back of the house or in the warehouse used to store goods. "Business batik Lasem always been glorious, but now not anymore. In fact, the situation increasingly lethargic, "said Ir Rudy Hartono (33), a former businessman who now Lasem batik shop opening peddler selling electronic goods and household needs in the consumer goods fishermen. Even if the kitchen washing batik cloth is still visible behind the house, a tool to make batik no longer see themselves as already stored in the warehouse.

Many factors caused a decline in batik business in Lasem. "Batik Lasem are bewildered. The next generation to be on the wane batik business because of the higher education and they did not want to dive in the batik business. They prefer to work or do business on the other according to their knowledge acquired in universities, "said Poernomo Maskoen (52), a batik Lasem. In addition, add Poernomo, the energy of batik maker also reduced. Children's after graduating high school level first / top does not follow his parents into pembatik but working in offices in major cities such as Surabaya and other. Thus, energy pembatik not have a resume. Because the labor pembatikan generally hereditary, the work is primarily farmers or farm worker in the home, when the harvest season and planting season they returned to the village rice fields. As a result of batik does not take place smoothly. Sons of the craftsman with a stock certificate that they are looking for work in the office, factory or store, with the hope to get higher wages from the wages as batik craftsman. As wage batik laborers around Rp 7,500 per day plus meals at the workplace. In addition srunk due to the number of people do batik business, both as entrepreneurs and as a crafter, business batik Lasem decline also caused flooding sablon batik or batik printing (printing).

"Technology sablon consecutive shut batik Lasem. Batik sablon price of Rp 25,000 per sheet, much cheaper than the price of batik reach hundreds of dollar per sheet, "said Sigit Wicaksana, batik Lasem businessman who now try to survive in order to provide employment to employees who live a few people. According to Sigit, the pirates of batik also participated in efforts to make batik Lasem increasingly lethargic. Lack of capital worsen the life of a business batik Lasem in the family business, which is hereditary. According Poernomo Maskoen, people now often use a good fabric but prefer to wear skirt because the practical use on the side of the skirt material is cheaper than batik cloth. These conditions also create a succession in business batik Lasem. What Lasem batik will be marginalized continue to disappear and live goods, so memories can be viewed at the museum? Holder of the authority may determine the policy, owners of capital, and lovers of batik can be answered.
(original author : SN Wargatjie,) Kompas Cetak, Jakarta translated by Heru SIf people mention the batik of Central Java- Indonesia, They immediately called Solo and Pekalongan. In fact, in addition to the two regions still have other areas that also produce batik that is not less beautiful, the Lasem City. City district in District Rembang about 12 kilometers east of the city this extent Rembang 45.04 square kilometers with a population of approximately 44,879 people (Litbang Kompas, 2003). BATIK Lasem figured typical production, especially the color of “red”, color that resembles the blood of chickens, which they say can not be imitated by Batik Maker other regions. Uniqueness lies in the other design which is a combination of the influence of Chinese culture, local culture northern coastal communities, and cultural palace (Surakarta and Yogyakarta). Perhaps the Chinese foreign traders who came to give Lasem large influence on the style batik in this area.

In the heyday batik Lasem, almost every house where Chinese people live in this area undertake make batik with and recruit staff from around the village. They generally do this job as a sideline while waiting to harvest and planting season on the paddy fields. When creating the design motif for their batik production, the entrepreneur of making batik of Lasem influenced cultural beliefs as their ancestors and legendanya. Variety ornamental birds and animals hong legendary kilin (such as lions) and so they enter into their motives batik production. In fact, the classic Chinese love story as Sam Pek Eng Tay was batik motif in this region. No surprise then when batik production Lasem batik is often referred to as "Encim." "Encim" is a hybrid for the Chinese women who have advanced age. Besides the influence of culture of Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace also seen in the batik motifs Lasem, among other ornaments on kawung, chopper and so on. While the influence of culture on the coastal look that bright colors like red, blue, yellow and green. Making batik, in Lasem indeed been developing a hit. Sigit Wicaksono (74), the batik business Lasem pembatikan that way since around 1942, said, batik Lasem in heyday been exported to foreign countries, among others, to Suriname.
Batik Lasem can compete with batik from other regions because of motifnya interesting with fine quality fabrics, also red blood chicken the characteristic can not be imitated by batik maker from otherregions. However, if you now come to explore Lasem and batik production Lasem, especially batik with traditional motifs Lasem, you will have difficulties like the search for antiques only. Nowdays it's difficult to find Batik Lasem because who produce batik Lasem many roll mats. Of about 140 entrepreneurs in the batik 1950s, then declining to around 70 operators in 1970, and now live only about 12 people who still strive pembatikan. That still survive is also a lot of business "Monday-Thursday." Then, just when it is said batik Lasem endangered. Around half a century ago are still many families we met in Lasem City become a batik businessman , or at least become a trader who takes batiks from batik maker in around small villages. Now they are no longer active in making batik business, batik shops are making their notions store. Tools of making batik left in dusty corner of a room in the back of the house or in the warehouse used to store goods. "Business batik Lasem always been glorious, but now not anymore. In fact, the situation increasingly lethargic, "said Ir Rudy Hartono (33), a former businessman who now Lasem batik shop opening peddler selling electronic goods and household needs in the consumer goods fishermen. Even if the kitchen washing batik cloth is still visible behind the house, a tool to make batik no longer see themselves as already stored in the warehouse.

Many factors caused a decline in making batik Lasem. "Batik Lasem are bewildered. The next generation to be on the wane batik business because of the higher education and they did not want to dive in the batik business. They prefer to work or do business on the other according to their knowledge acquired in universities, "said Poernomo Maskoen (52), a batik Lasem. In addition, add Poernomo, the energy of batik maker also reduced. Children's after graduating high school level first / top does not follow his parents into pembatik but working in offices in major cities such as Surabaya and other. Thus, energy pembatik not have a resume. Because the labor pembatikan generally hereditary, the work is primarily farmers or farm worker in the home, when the harvest season and planting season they returned to the village rice fields. As a result of batik does not take place smoothly. Sons of the craftsman with a stock certificate that they are looking for work in the office, factory or store, with the hope to get higher wages from the wages as batik craftsman. As wage batik laborers around Rp 7,500 per day plus meals at the workplace. In addition srunk due to the number of people do batik business, both as entrepreneurs and as a crafter, business batik Lasem decline also caused flooding sablon batik or batik printing (printing).

"Technology sablon consecutive shut batik Lasem. Batik sablon price of Rp 25,000 per sheet, much cheaper than the price of batik reach hundreds of dollar per sheet, "said Sigit Wicaksana, batik Lasem businessman who now try to survive in order to provide employment to employees who live a few people. According to Sigit, the pirates of batik also participated in efforts to make batik Lasem increasingly lethargic. Lack of capital worsen the life of a business batik Lasem in the family business, which is hereditary. According Poernomo Maskoen, people now often use a good fabric but prefer to wear skirt because the practical use on the side of the skirt material is cheaper than batik cloth. These conditions also create a succession in business batik Lasem. What Lasem batik will be marginalized continue to disappear and live goods, so memories can be viewed at the museum? Holder of the authority may determine the policy, owners of capital, and lovers of batik can be answered.
(original author : SN Wargatjie, Kompas Cetak, Jakarta, translated (free translated) by Heru S)


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